Book Club: Η Λέσχη, του Στρατή Τσίρκα

Huffington Center, St. Sophia Cathedral 1324 Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a lively discussion of Η Λέσχη, του Στρατή Τσίρκα. All readings and conversation take place in Greek. Light refreshments will be served.

PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR: The Man and the Legend

Royce Hall 10745 Dickson Court, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, United States

Renowned author Artemis Cooper lectures about Patrick Leigh Fermor, the British author, scholar, soldier and polyglot who played a prominent role behind the lines in the Cretan resistance during World War II. He was widely regarded as Britain's greatest living travel writer during his lifetime, based on books such as A Time of Gifts (1977). UCLA...