35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations
Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations
Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations is a monthly discussion forum where members of our community discuss in Greek topics of Hellenic interest. For further information, contact Dr. Simos Zenios (szenios@humnet.ucla.edu).
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1 event,
Conversation with the Author: Μαριαλένα Σεμιτέκολου, Ακουαρέλα
Conversation with the Author: Μαριαλένα Σεμιτέκολου, Ακουαρέλα
RSVP here. To purchase a digital copy of the book, please visit the publisher’s site and read the instructions provided by the publisher carefully. The publisher has also made the book available via Apple Books and Google Play. For more information about our Book Club and the Conversation with the Author series, please contact Dr. Simos Zenios (szenios@humnet.ucla.edu).