3 events found.
(Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds
Royce Hall, 306 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA, United States(Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds Tuesday, December 5 – Wednesday, December 6 Royce 306 A Forum for exchanges on ancient studies at UCLA hosted by Global Antiquity Registration Requested For more information...
“Who Invented the ‘Modern Greeks’ and Why?” Lecture by Anthony Kaldellis
247 Dodd Hall 315 Portola Pl, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesWho Invented the Modern Greeks, and Why? Lecture by Anthony Kaldellis, Professor, University of Chicago Tuesday, March 12, 2024 5:00 p.m. 247 Dodd Hall Reception to follow No RSVP required...
International Conference on “Plato and Lyric Poetry” – Cancelled
a conference presented by the UCLA Department of Classics For more information and the conference schedule, see: Plato and Lyric Poetry conference We regret to inform you that this conference...