3 events found.
(Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds
Royce Hall, 306 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA, United States(Re)envisioning Ancient Worlds Tuesday, December 5 – Wednesday, December 6 Royce 306 A Forum for exchanges on ancient studies at UCLA hosted by Global Antiquity Registration Requested For more information...
Gefyra Greek Book Club: Η πολιορκία της Τροίας του Θοδωρή Καλλιφατίδη
by ZoomRSVP here. For further information about the book and the author, please visit the publisher’s website, where you can also purchase a digital copy of the book. Please read the instructions...
Cappella Romana
Saint Sophia Cathedral 1324 S Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesCappella Romana World première program IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. DEMETRIOS Directed by Alexander Lingas Founder and Director, Cappella Romana A performance presented by the UCLA SNF Center for the...