Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations is a monthly discussion forum where members of our community discuss in Greek topics of Hellenic interest. For further information, contact Dr. Simos Zenios (szenios@humnet.ucla.edu).
Date: April 11, 2023 Time: 4:00 PM Location: Royce Hall 306 Introductory remarks, by The Honorable Ioannis Stamatekos, Consul General of Greece in Los Angeles Q&A moderated by Simos Zenios, Associate Director, UCLA SNF Hellenic Center Reception to follow In this talk, Professor Kostis Kornetis will examine how distinct political generations experienced and remember the...
‘From the Tip of My Little Finger a River Flows:’ Yannis Ritsos’s Response to Dictatorship (1967-1970) A lecture by Dr. John Kittmer, former British ambassador to Greece in celebration of National Poetry Month. April 22, 2023 10:00 AM Los Angeles/8:00 PM Athens Via Zoom Opening remarks by Her Excellency Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ambassador of Greece to...
Pigments in Ancient Greek Painting & Medicine: Ecology, Materiality and the Alchemical Laboratory lecture by Ioanna Kakoulli (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA) Saturday, April 29, 2023 3:00 p.m. 306 Royce Hall Reception to follow Ancient Greek paintings between the fourth century BC and the third century AD are characterized by a splendor of...