Conversation with the Author: Μαριαλένα Σεμιτέκολου, Ακουαρέλα
by ZoomRSVP here. To purchase a digital copy of the book, please visit the publisher’s site and read the instructions provided by the publisher carefully. The publisher has also made the book available via Apple...
Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations
by ZoomKouvenda: Hellenic Conversations is a monthly discussion forum where members of our community discuss in Greek topics of Hellenic interest. For further information, contact Dr. Simos Zenios (
“Memory, Conflict and Democratization in Post-Junta Greece”, lecture by Professor Kostis Kornetis (Autonomous University of Madrid)
Royce Hall, 306 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesDate: April 11, 2023 Time: 4:00 PM Location: Royce Hall 306 Introductory remarks, by The Honorable Ioannis Stamatekos, Consul General of Greece in Los Angeles Q&A moderated by Simos Zenios,...
John Kittmer, “‘From the Tip of My Little Finger a River Flows:’ Yannis Ritsos’s Response to Dictatorship (1967-1970)”
by Zoom‘From the Tip of My Little Finger a River Flows:’ Yannis Ritsos’s Response to Dictatorship (1967-1970) A lecture by Dr. John Kittmer, former British ambassador to Greece in celebration of...
Pigments in Ancient Greek Painting & Medicine: Ecology, Materiality and the Alchemical Laboratory
Royce Hall, 306 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesPigments in Ancient Greek Painting & Medicine: Ecology, Materiality and the Alchemical Laboratory lecture by Ioanna Kakoulli (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA) Saturday, April 29, 2023 3:00 p.m....
Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations
by ZoomKouvenda: Hellenic Conversations is a monthly discussion forum where members of our community discuss in Greek topics of Hellenic interest. For further information, contact Dr. Simos Zenios (
Historical Trajectories of Hellenism in Asia Minor, lecture by Paschalis Kitromilides (Academy of Athens)
Royce Hall, 314 UCLAHistorical Trajectories of Hellenism in Asia Minor lecture by Paschalis Kitromilides (Academy of Athens) Date: May 7, 2023 Time: 3:00 PM Location: 314 Royce Hall Reception to follow Introductory remarks...
Conversation with the author: Αντώνης Μπαλασόπουλος, Ο κύβος και άλλες ιστορίες
by ZoomRSVP here. To purchase a digital copy of the book, please visit the publisher’s site. For more information about our Book Club and the Conversation with the Author series, please contact Dr....
Kouvenda: Hellenic Conversations
by ZoomKouvenda: Hellenic Conversations is a monthly discussion forum where members of our community discuss in Greek topics of Hellenic interest. For further information, contact Dr. Simos Zenios (
Los Angeles Greek Film Festival Opening Night
James Bridges Theater, UCLA 235 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States17th Los Angeles Greek Film Festival Opening Night Hosted by the UCLA SNF Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture and Los Angeles Greek Film Festival (LAGFF) Saturday, June 3,...
Glendi! Beginning of the Year Celebration
Rolfe Courtyard 345 PORTOLA PLAZA, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesGlendi! Beginning of the Year Celebration Saturday, September 23, 2023 7:00-9:00 PM Rolfe Courtyard, UCLA campus Music performance featuring Petros Antoniadis, Alexis Cohen, Emmanuela Chiotaki and Eirini Nomikos Opening Remarks...
Gefyra Greek Book Club: Ο Δύτης, του Μίνου Ευσταθιάδη
by ZoomGefyra Greek Book Club Ο Δύτης, του Μίνου Ευσταθιάδη September 30, 2023 10:00 a.m. PDT / 8:00 p.m. Greece Via Zoom RSVP here. For further information about the book and the...